Creative Page Loader by Sawyers Creative
Hi there!

I'm Chris,

Chief Troublemaker Brand Alchemist Graphic Design Wizard Web Design Virtuoso Motion Design Maverick Design Luminary Lunatic.


I'm Chris, Founder & Chief Troublemaker.

A seasoned designer and global creative leader with two decades of industry experience.

Over the past ten years, I've steered the creative direction, crafted and led design teams for prominent corporations, leveraging my expertise to deliver exceptional design solutions globally.

My design ethos at Sawyers Creative revolves around purposeful restraint-striking a delicate balance between compactness and robustness.

I prioritize quality over quantity, seeking out exceptional individuals for meaningful collaborations. Should your project require additional expertise, my extensive network of developers, designers, and illustrators - many of whom I've personally nurtured and guided - is at your disposal.

In essence, entrusting your project to us ensures it's in capable hands, guided by a commitment to excellence and a passion for meaningful design.

Brand Strategy at Sawyers Creative
Brand Strategy
Brand Alchemist

The Merlin of marketing and strategy (minus the pointy hat and the dragon).

Armed with potions of persuasion and a cauldron of creativity, we transmute ideas into gold faster than you can say "Abracadabra."

At Sawyers Creative, we're not just brand strategists; we're alchemists, blending art and science to transform your brand into pure magic.

So grab your spellbook (or spreadsheet) and let's brew up some brand wizardry together!

Graphic Design at Sawyers Creative
Graphic Design
Graphic Design Wizard

With a flick of the stylus and a sprinkle of magic dust (or maybe just a strong cup of coffee), we conjure visuals that enchant, amaze, and occasionally make you snort with laughter.

At Sawyers Creative, our wizardry knows no bounds - from pixel-pushing to pun-dropping, we're here to make your design dreams come true, one whimsical creation at a time.

So grab your wand (or mouse) and let's cast some design spells together!

Web Design at Sawyers Creative
Web Design
Web Design Virtuoso

The Web Weaver of the digital realm (sans the eight legs).

With an army of digital spiders and an endless supply of cat memes, we spin websites that not only dazzle the eye but also navigate the digital jungle with ease.

At Sawyers Creative, we're not just web designers; we're digital architects, constructing virtual webs that ensnare attention and captivate audiences, all while keeping the pizza delivery hotline on speed dial.

Motion Design at Sawyers Creative
Motion Design
Motion Design Maverick

The Indiana Jones of animation (minus the fedora and the fear of snakes).

From pixelated pyrotechnics to gravity-defying graphics, we breathe life into your projects faster than you can say "Lights, Camera, Action!".

At Sawyers Creative, we don't just create motion; we turn your ideas into a blockbuster hit, complete with popcorn-worthy visuals and a soundtrack that'll make John Williams jealous.

Design Leader and Coach at Sawyers Creative
Coach & Consultant
Design Luminary

The wise sage of the creative realm (minus the flowing robes and the ancient scrolls).

With insights as profound as the deepest ocean and a wit as sharp as Excalibur, we guide you through the labyrinth of design faster than you can say "Eureka!".

At Sawyers Creative, we're not just consultants; we're torchbearers of creativity, shedding light on your path to design greatness. So don your Cloak of Infinite Wisdom and let's embark on a quest for design excellence together!

Unique Design at Sawyers Creative

The mad scientist of design (minus the lab coat and the maniacal laughter).

From brainstorming sessions that rival a game of Dungeons & Dragons to prototypes that make Dr. Frankenstein's monster look tame, we're not afraid to push the boundaries of sanity in the pursuit of creative excellence.

At Sawyers Creative, we're not just innovators; we're certified lunatics, turning your wildest dreams into reality faster than you can say "It's alive!"

Design Quote

Designing for Good.

I would highly recommend Chris for any design work as he is able to take a concept and turn it into a functional well designed final product. We could not be happier with the outcome and his work has already helped save 1,000's of lives and is on track to be a part of the Global drowning solution.

Phil Waggott SplashSave
Spider caught a couple of flies

Let's Work Together.

Whether you're looking to revolutionize your brand strategy, identity, launch a website that stops traffic (figuratively speaking, of course), or simply want to chat about design over a virtual cup of coffee - or something stronger, we're all ears (and pixels).

Drop us a line via the contact form below or give us a buzz.

Ready to weave some magic together?

Because guess what – you've just landed in the silky embrace of Sawyers Creative's digital web, where we're busy spinning designs that stick in your mind like a fly to honey.


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creative problem solver, strategic design consultant, visual story teller, global design team crafter